About Maureen Miller

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So far Maureen Miller has created 28 blog entries.

WFP Receives 2024 Financial Award from The Savings Bank Charitable Foundation

2024-05-17T16:02:01-04:00May 17th, 2024|

The Wakefield Food Pantry (WFP) was one of several local nonprofit organizations that received a financial award from The Savings Bank Charitable Foundation. The foundation, established in 1997 through an initial endowment of $550,000 from The Savings Bank, presented a total of $65,040 to 20 nonprofit organizations during the 27 th distribution of funds. Over

Little Free Pantries – Give What you Can, Take What You Need

2024-05-17T16:03:39-04:00February 26th, 2024|

  February 2024 -- During the summer of 2023, the Wakefield Food Pantry (WFP), along with help from the Scouts of Wakefield, set up four Little Free Pantries (LFP) around town.  Since then, the LFPs have been actively utilized by those who need food assistance. If someone can’t get to the pantry, food is immediately

The Wakefield Food Pantry Holds Annual Partnership Breakfast

2023-06-23T12:46:00-04:00June 23rd, 2023|

On June 7th Wakefield politicians, civic organizations, volunteers, and business leaders joined the Wakefield Food Pantry (WFP) in its annual Partnership breakfast. After a hiatus of 4 years, WFP once again hosted a celebration of all of its community partnerships with a breakfast.  WFP provided updates about the pantry’s work and current initiatives.  The featured

Shop Local – Feed Local

2023-06-10T10:46:45-04:00June 10th, 2023|

Wakefield: Shop Local this week and help feed your neighbors in need! Friday, June 9 through Sunday, June 18, 2023. Spend $50 at a Wakefield business and @tsbofwakefield will donate $10 to @wakefieldfoodpantry No limit on the number of submissions per person!

2021 Auction was a Great Success!

2021-12-04T09:07:49-05:00December 4th, 2021|

December 1, 2021 --- Sponsored by the Wakefield Co-operative Bank, the Wakefield Food Pantry’s 2021 Online Auction was a great success. The goal of reaching $8,000 was achieved with the generous giving of donors, including many Wakefield residents with creative baskets and sports memorabilia, vendors, restaurants, artists, quilters, and photographers.  Plus, many items were donated

Wakefield Food Pantry to Hold Second On-line Auction

2021-12-04T09:08:41-05:00November 1st, 2021|

Link to WFP On-Line Auction Sponsored by the Wakefield Co-operative Bank, the Wakefield Food Pantry will again hold an online auction. The auction will be held from November 10th-14th with preview beginning November 7th. The auction will have bids starting as low as $25 and as high as $500 with options in between. Items will

2021-07-30T17:51:25-04:00July 30th, 2021|

  The Wakefield Food Pantry is sponsoring The Wakefield Farmer's Market  Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Match - helping us get healthy food on everyone's plate. As many of you know, food insecurity in the United States is at an all time now. Last year alone, the Wakefield Farner's Market added an additional $2700 worth of

Wakefield Food Pantry Selected to Receive $100,000 Cummings Grant

2021-11-01T08:37:53-04:00June 8th, 2021|

www.CummingsFoundation.org May 2021:  The Wakefield Food Pantry was recently selected to receive a $100,000 grant through Cummings Foundation’s $25 Million Grant Program.  The pantry was chosen from a total of 590 applicants during a competitive review process and will receive the grant in installments over 4 years. Founded in 1982, the mission of the Wakefield Food

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