February 2024 — During the summer of 2023, the Wakefield Food Pantry (WFP), along with help from the Scouts of Wakefield, set up four Little Free Pantries (LFP) around town. Since then, the LFPs have been actively utilized by those who need food assistance.
If someone can’t get to the pantry, food is immediately available at a LFP easily and without judgment. The LFPs are a great safety net in the battle against food insecurity. They are open year-round 24/7 and available to all.
However, the WFP needs help from the Wakefield community to keep the LFPs stocked. When you’re out shopping, please consider purchasing a few non-perishable items to refill the LFPs. Popular items include soups, peanut butter, pasta, granola bars, cereal, canned fruits and vegetables, tuna, nuts, and snacks. Please do not donate open, expired or perishable food. Give what you would want to receive.
Little Free Pantry locations:
- Most Blessed Sacrament Church, 8 Grove Street, back parking lot
- The Wakefield Lynnfield United Methodist Church, 273 Vernon Street, left side
- The new building site of the First Baptist Church of Wakefield on Common Street.
- Wakefield Town Hall, 1 Lafayette Street.
The Little Free Pantries are a community effort and the WFP needs the help of the community to keep the pantries stocked. With your help, we can all “give what we can and take what we need”.
If you are interested in hosting a LFP and/or building one, or would like to learn more about the many ways you can support the existing LFPs, please contact WFP by phone: 781-245-2510, or email: info@wakefieldfoodpantry.org.